
Welcome To Twists and Turbans!

?Over 7 years ago I embarked on a mission to learn how to better care for my hair focusing on healthy hair growth. That?s when I created the website CurlyChic.com.

Simplifying My Life

Today, I am simplifying my life by incorporating the art of headwrapping and turbans as a part of my everyday hairdressing. Furthermore, I am kicking thing up a notch by adding fashion and accessories to the mix. For the time being, I am all about having fun and trying new things.

While wearing head wraps I will continue with protective hairstyling, focus on growing healthy natural hair and healthy nail growth goals.

In Conclusion

Twist and Turbans is about building a way of life, a lifestyle. This is going to be an exciting long term commitment!

In the meantime, I look forward to sharing my experience.